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  • Writer's pictureLinda Kamaev

About Me

Updated: Oct 2, 2019

Welcome to Linda's Study!

I started this blog both to nourish the budding writer in me but also as a means to share my opinions and experiences with others (mainly to channel my incessant babbling away from the ears of my loved ones - bless them for putting up with me). It's mostly a mishmash of things I care enough about to post about - not an easy feat for a perfectionist like me!

A little about me and my passions - majority of which you'll probably encounter here on my blog:

I'm a Toronto-raised millennial - I aim to share my struggles, achievements, tools and resources for both entrepreneurs and regular side-hustle partakers.

I'm a lover of the outdoors - avid camper, angler, mushroom hunter, and tent pitcher.

I'm a cancer survivor as well as a big advocate for mental health help. My own deep dives and experiences with the health system where I live as well as growing up a sickly kid (and my current tussles with depression and anxiety) - something that some of you may relate to and want some pointers on.

On a MUCH brighter note, I love cooking, hosting and throwing parties for my friends and loved ones.

I'm a productivity addict (queen of lists and sticky notes) and thus always in search of ways to make my day to day routines more efficient. [Can you even list if you don't Trello?]

So take a gander through my posts, write to me if something I say interests you and you'd like to know more and stay tuned for more quirky curated content.

Oh and to explain the name? I've always loved books, libraries and workshops where things are imagined, envisioned and created - my favorite stores throughout childhood were bookshops. I also grew up with my parents always repeating "Linda, study!" - hence the name Linda's Study.

So there it is. And here I am.




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